سالم وحليمة زوجان في الخمسينيات فقدا طفلهما الوحيد. لا يعرفان ما إذا كان ميتاً أم حياً. هذا الابن، شاب يبلغ من العمر 24 عامًا ذهب إلى إيطاليا بطريقة غير شرعية ثم اختفى.
Eight months before the independence of Tunisia, Four Tunisian women of different ages and social conditions, end up in prison, they are condemned to coexist under the authority and injustice of their jailer, El Jaida.
يعيش كومبا في حي شعبي في تونس. يستخدم الأطفال لبيع جميع أنواع البضائع في الشارع. مرابيح كومبا تستمر في الانخفاض. يحذره رئيسه لأنه يشتبه في أنه يسرقه و يطلب منه إيجاد حل. مستشعرا بالتهديد، يذهب كومبا للبحث عن أطفال آخرين لإلحاقهم في الشوارع
تونس في 14 جانفي 2011 ، تم تنظيم حفل زفاف في حي شعبي بالعاصمة، لكن هناك حادثة غير متوقعة تفسد سير الاحتفالات
قصة مهدي، وهو خريج شاب يبدأ حياته المهنية كمصدر مالي. مليء بالطموح والتفاؤل، وبدعم من والدته، يبدأ يومه الأول في العمل. ومع ذلك، لا تسير الأمور كما هو مخطط لها. تعرض لسوء المعاملة من قبل رئيسه، وتجاهل من قبل زملائه والإهانة من قبل المجتمع الذي يرى له كمعلن عن الأخبار السيئة. مهدي يتغير بمرور الوقت ويصلب. يفقد سذاجه وبراءته حتى اليوم الذي يتغير فيه كل شيء
يحتوي على كلام بذيء ⚠️
After more than two decades working for Tunisia national public radio, Youssef is on his way to retirement. Somewhere in the town of Sidi Bouzid, a young man sets himself on fire. Youssef is viciously cut off broadcasting during the last issue of "Tunis by night". As he leaves the radio station, he gets picked up by a police patrol car waiting for him and he spends a few hours in police custody. Amal (his wife) finds refuge again in prayer and the elder brother Amin, tries to put his family's pieces back together as well as he can. Their youngest daughter Aziza lives completely disconnected from the pace and values of her family. She cuts her veins after a cascade of problems. Revolted but silent, Youssef takes refuge at the "Saint George", the adjacent bar he has been a patron forever. He empties his mind after emptying a few bottles of wine. Youssef then runs away from his family to be engulfed by a city he does not recognize anymore.

تدور أحداث الفيلم حول قصة شاب صحراوي حاول عبور الصحراء والهجرة إلى أوروبا، فيقرر عبور البحر بمفرده، وأثناء رحلته بالقارب يأخذ مسار خاطىء، ومنذ تلك اللحظة يعيش هذا الشاب رحلة خاصة من نوعها.

Beginning of January 2011, during the Tunisian revolution, Mohamed, a political prisoner, escapes from jail and returns to his native town Thala. He finds it in the midst of a revolt. He has only one goal: to find his fiancée Hourya. Mohamed is helped in his flight by Belgacem a coalman and former agent of the regime who is hoping to be redeemed. He hides Mohamed in his garage. On the night of January 9th, Mohamed witnesses yet another slaughter. As he carries the dead body of a young man to hospital, a young protestor films him on his cell phone and the video is uploaded on Facebook. Meanwhile, we discover Hourya who lives with her husband, Adel, a quiet man who has accepted her past but forbids her of taking part in any political activity. Hourya who was raped in prison after Mohamed's arrest, believes that Mohamed has died under torture and to save her own life, she accepted to get married to Adel whom she does not love. In Kasserine, Hourya is still committed to the struggle against Ben Ali. She provokes a strike at the textile factory and risks her life distributing tracts in the streets crowded with policemen and agents of the regime. After watching the video on Facebook and discovering that Mohamed is still alive, she decides to leave her husband and go to Thala to meet him.

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