فاطمة، امرأة قوية الإرادة، تعمل كمدلكة رئيسية في أحد الحمامات في الجزائر العاصمة. كان ذلك في عام 1995، وكان الوضع متوترا في العاصمة. وكان اليوم الذي ينتظرنا واعدا بأن يكون محموما للجميع، ولفاطمة على وجه الخصوص. وبالفعل، أثناء سيرها إلى مكان عملها، كانت شاهدة بعيدة على هجوم إر*ابي. وفي الحمام، كان من المفترض أن تشعر فاطمة بتحسن، لكن الجو كان مشحونا، وكانت تواجه صعوبة كبيرة في الحفاظ على النظام
As if enduring the harsh and oppressive life facing all Tunisian women wasn't overwhelming enough, the shattering of Salma's marriage into divorce weighs on her like the death of hope resurrected with the fall of the Arab Spring. Forever giving and self-sacrificing, she's struggling to hold on to what remains of her broken family in the only way she knows how, by burying herself in her work as a paramedic and escaping into other people's tragedy and pain. Mourad, Salma's teenage son, has become more and more consumed by feelings of helplessness, confusion, and abandonment as his family disintegrates. He so desperately needs to belong to someone. Or something. So much so, when the spawns of the dark force known as ISIS ensnare him into their jihadi brotherhood like some hoard of wild and hungry beasts catching scent of a wounded prey, they only need lure him in with promises of eternal friendship and the power to change his crumbling world. Now alone, Salma must summon all the strength and courage she has left in order to save him from a fate worse than death. She sets out on a hazardous journey into the very heart of darkness itself, ISIS' stronghold in the war-ravaged inferno known as the Syrian city of Aleppo, where they've taken her beloved Mourad for indoctrination into their cult of psychopathic fundamentalism and training in their bloodthirsty methods of persuasion.
تقوم شلة من الطلاب بعملية احتيال لكسب بعض المال لكي يجدوا أنفسهم عالقين في فخ الحيلة التي وضعوها
شيخ يحتضر يسافر عبر الأطلس المغربي في قافلة يرافقه اثنان من المارقين
Lilia is a girl with magnetic, hypnotic and rare beauty that gives her a power of seduction which she uses and abuses with impunity, until the day she falls madly in love with her alter-ego.
Hind, a popular television show producer and star presenter, falls in love with Lassaad, a police commissioner who was investigating a murder of a building contractor. in the process, they discover a network of Jihadist smugglers to Syria.
Hedi is a quiet young man following the path that has been traced out for him. Tunisia is changing, but Hedi doesn't expect much from the future and lets others make his big decisions for him. The same week his mother is preparing his marriage, his boss sends him to the seaside town of Mahdia to seek out new clients. At a crossroads, Hedi begins avoiding his professional duties and soon meets Rim, a free spirited globetrotter working as an activity leader at a local resort. Rim's lust for life quickly rubs off on Hedi and the two begin a passionate love affair. With preparations for the wedding in full swing back at home in Kairouan, Hedi is finally forced to make a choice for himself.

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